Collection of Marine Microorganisms (KMM)
Collection curator
Valeriya Kurilenko, Ph.D.
Collection of marine microorganisms of PIBOC FEB RAS was created in 1985. It is single collection in Russia of marine prokaryotes from domain Bacteria, and fungi-micromycetes from domain Eucarya, collected almost all regions of the World Ocean. The collection is a member of the World Federation for Culture Collections - WFCC (No. 644, the official acronym - KMM) and has received international recognition.
List of scientific areas of the collection
Taxonomy, biotechnological potential and ecological properties of obligate marine heterotrophic bacteria and microscopic fungi. Collection work. The fundamental scientific problem consists in studying the biology of marine microorganisms, since there is much less information about the vital activity of sea microbes than about microorganisms inhabiting other habitats. The activities of the Collection of Marine Microorganisms of the PIBOC FEB RAS are aimed at describing, preserving and rationally using the biological diversity of microorganisms of academic and applied interest.
Taxonomy, biotechnological potential and ecological properties of obligate marine heterotrophic bacteria and microscopic fungi. Collection work. The fundamental scientific problem consists in studying the biology of marine microorganisms, since there is much less information about the vital activity of sea microbes than about microorganisms inhabiting other habitats. The activities of the Collection of Marine Microorganisms of the PIBOC FEB RAS are aimed at describing, preserving and rationally using the biological diversity of microorganisms of academic and applied interest.