Hybrid lectin-enzyme immunoassay for early And differential diagnostics of human pathologies

Hybrid lectin-enzyme immunoassay for early And differential diagnostics of human pathologies

The development of some pathological states (including the appearance of tumors) is accompanied not only by quantitative changes in the level of some diagnostically important markers, but by the change of carbohydrate chains of these vital biomolecules, since the most of serum proteins are glycosylated. So, fundamentally new approaches to the differential diagnostics based on the identification of glycoprotein glycoforms using carbohydrate-binding proteins (lectins) were created. EnzymeLinked Lectin Assay (ELLA) methods on the basis of lectins isolated from marine invertebrates were developed at PIBOC. ELLA was shown to be more sensitive than common ELISA, as makes it possible to detect pathological processes at the early stages.



The test-system can detect glycosylation abnormalities of certain tumor markers (CEA, TBG), and acute phase proteins (CRP). Such identification of different glycoforms allows a differential diagnostics, which is impossible when the markers are detected as the antigens only
