Immunoenzyme test- system for diagnostics of pseudotuberculosis and yersiniosis

Immunoenzyme test- system for diagnostics of pseudotuberculosis and yersiniosis

The bacteria of Yersinia species belong to the group of the microorganisms, which cause intestinal infections in human beings and animals. According to the data of WHO (World Health Organization) these diseases are revealed everywhere in the world and especially more frequently in the economically developed countries, where there is a wide network of the centralized foodstuffs supply. 

The urgency of yersiniosis under the contemporary conditions is connected with the occurrence of immunopathologies (yersiniosis second-hearth forms: arthritis, myocardit, neuralgia, collagenosis) in patients as a result of Yersinia infection. 

The etiology of such immunopathologies is not accomplished in practice because specific diagnostic methods are absent. A problem of the early and reliable identification of pseudotuberculosis and yersiniosis is most urgent for the child population, and also for the people in the places of the dense population center, for example in the army.

We have developed ELISA testsystem for differential diagnostics of pseudotuberculosis (caused by Yersinia pseudotuberculosis) and intestinal yersiniosis (caused by Yersinia enterocolitica) from other intestinal infections by detection of specific antibodies to outer membrane proteins of all serovariants of Yersinia pseudotuberculosis and Yersinia enterocolitica in sera of patients with acute intestinal or secondary forms of yersiniosis (detection efficiency is 95-98%).
